A new game is available every day at 0:00 am, local time of your device!
To get bonus round 1 (border countries), you simply need to get the country correct.
To unlock bonus round 2 (capitals), you must get at least 2 border countries correct.
To unlock bonus round 3 (flags), you must get the capital correct.
To unlock final bonus round (population and currency), you must get the flag correct.
We are trying to update our data as quickly and as accurately as possible. We know borders change, capital cities move, and maps are outdated. And more. Any mistake is completely unintentional and not a political statement of any kind. We appreciate the feedback and will issue fixes as we learn about them. As time goes on, there will be less and less to fix.
It’s not possible to find them in the app. But you can find them on the [Internet Archive] (https://web.archive.org/web/*/https://worldle.teuteuf.fr/)!
They correspond to the proximity percent:
It's another way to represent the distance.
If your guess is at the opposite side of the world, you'll get 0%. If it's right on the target, you’ll get 100%!"]
The distances displayed correspond to the distances between the selected and the target territory centers.
For instance, the computed distance between United States and Canada is around 2260km even if they have a common border.
Two reasons for this choice:
it’s technically much easier to compute distance like this instead of using closest borders.
you can deduce information about the size of the target country thanks to this information.
I use the ISO 3166-1 standard as reference for the country code list.
For instance, Scotland is not a valid answer, because, according to this standard, this country is part of the United Kingdom.
Everyday, a country or territory is picked randomly!
So, it will continue to pick a random one everyday, forever!
Two rules have been added:worldle-faq.md
We use ads to pay for developing costs for new features, as well as hosting and other expenses. Over time @teuteuf has received many suggestions and requests that he could not fulfill. We want to bring more features, and more fun gameplay to YOU. Our Plan is to bring you an official mobile app as well as countless bonus featurs to keep worldle the most fun geo quiz-game on the internet!
There is no application (yet) for Worldle on the App Store or on Google Play.
If you find one, it’s probably a copycat and I recommend you to avoid it.
If you want to install the web page on your phone, you can find an option on your browser called “Add to home screen” or something similar!